Campaign Services

Emailing Service

New for this election cycle, VoterLink will offer emailing services to campaign clients.  Two types of emails services are available: Opt-Out emailing and Opt-In emailing.

Opt-Out emails are sent to every available voter e-mail in your target and include an option recipients can click on to "Opt-Out" of future emails.  Those who don’t opt-out can be included in future email deliveries. This method reaches a larger number of voters, but is less personal.

Opt-In emails can also sent to every available voter e-mail in your target, but they include an option recipients can click on to "Opt-In" of future emails. A much smaller number of voters will typically opt-in, but building an opt-in email list overtime is a great way to communicate with supporters and other interested voters.  An Opt-in email list also provides a foundation for using social networking to communicate with potential voters.